1237C-45K0409-3 Lenovo 45K0409 - LENOVO HDD 320GB SATA 7.2K 3.5''

Part Nnumber
45K0409 - LENOVO HDD 320GB SATA 7.2K 3.5''
Basic price
32,30 EUR

The product with part number 1237C-45K0409-3 (45K0409 - LENOVO HDD 320GB SATA 7.2K 3.5'') is from company Lenovo and distributed with basic unit price 32,30 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc.

LENOVO HDD 320GB SATA 7.2K 3.5'' Used Hardware comes standard with 12 months bring-in-warranty. Used systems ship without rack rails, manuals, mice and keyboard.

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